
How to judge the tonnage of white lifting belt

Lifting belts can be divided into color lifting belts and white lifting belts according to color. People who have used color lifting belts should know that color lifting belts distinguish loads by color, and different colors represent different tonnage. When you use them, you can distinguish the lifting tonnage according to color, so how do you distinguish the tonnage of white lifting belts?

The simplest and most convenient way is to view the label. Users can view the rated load of the white lifting belt directly through the label. So how to distinguish if the handwriting is blurred or damaged due to long-term use? That is to see the width of the white lifting belt itself. The wider the belt, the greater its rated load. The last method is the number of black lines of the white lifting belt itself, which is also a relatively direct method.

If the tonnage of the white lifting belt is really unclear, it is recommended that you use other lifting belts to avoid accidents due to overloading. The above is the method for judging the tonnage of white lifting belt, please refer to it!